Monday, November 25, 2013

The lives we Live!

  • Snoozing on that 6:30 alarm and wanting to stay in your bed for a little longer - but you can't!
  • Saying your kids - "Not this weekend - we will try for the next, have to be in office this saturday"
  • Calling up your wife or Mother to say - "I will be late today, please have your dinner"
  • Cancelling your tickets, to your planned vacation, at the last moment because something urgent or an important proposal has come up at office !
  • How many times you could not attend a close relatives marriage and wished him over long distance call because you are posted in a far off country!
  • How many times you felt that you are getting selish but you have to go on!!
 How many times have you experienced this, I am sure often.
Do not worry, most of us are going through this and slowly we are getting pulled into a situation where we stop doing things which are natural, which our heart wants.
Slowly we position ourselves in a place where we have walked far away from our families and so close to our work that it starts feeling 12 hours in office is better than 12 hours in home!
Where buying a longer car, a new watch or a new piece of jewellery brings in more happiness than eating together with the family or where trying to be on top of the societal hierarchy brings in more pleasure than helping others.
Is this the life we asked for?
I am sure your answer will be a big "No". So why not re-write the equations one more time. Equations which are net positive - positive for "Us - my family" and "Me"; where we take decisions not based on the value of the Pay Cheque but value of the relationship, where we talk freely and move with out boundaries !
Disclaimer: I do not want to mean that one should not be ambitous enough - but we need to see that at what cost!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Question to the Prime Ministers of India (Since 1947..)

Dear Sirs (Madam), I am just another "Aam Aadmi" of India and want to show my emotions regarding the way my country has been managed since last 66 years and is presently being managed. Apart from the voting rights, I (we the people of India) do not have any other means of reflecting these emotions, unfortunately that comes after every 5 years... and I do not believe in revolution because I ( as other common men) am very selfish and I want that someone else ( like Arvind ji or Anna ji) will take my fight up.......I (we) am happy watching heated debates on TV, happy watching my salary coming to my bank account on 31st (30th) of every month ( I also do crib about the tax during that time), I (we are) am happy staying in a posh residential building in India (which has been built by the Politico-Builder-Land grabber nexus).
But sir (s), on this occasion of 67th Independence Day, I want to take the help of not-so-famous blog of mine (read by some 30-40 people in next 7-8 days, who will forget very soon), to ask you just few questions - "Have you ,done good enough for my country?".

You have a definite right to  ask me back  - "what have I done apart from paying tax and voting every 5 years?".  But sir, as I said, that we citizens have become very selfish - we do not think much more than our family needs; because we do not see any hope. I do not see my country supporting me when I try to fight with street goons, corrupt officials  & politicos, when I see kids on the street selling Indian flags (It comes cheap - just Rs.10!) when they should have been in school, when I see states being divided for political gains, when I see corruption being pushed under cover to save the close ones of India's famous family, when I see scam tainted ministers (Cannot name them, as he list is too long) roaming  freely.
Sirs, time might have come now that you stop being so reckless about the position you hold. You and only you can lead this country and its citizens to a new defined glory.  Honestly, I do not care which party you belong to as long as you are strong, righteous and able earn back the prestige of my country.
Because, sir, if you do not do it soon, it might get late and you (all of you) will be questioned by the generations to come.

Jai Hind.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A meeting with a Friend and an Entrepreneur...

I met Mukesh way back in 2006 in Melbourne and during our association I always found an amazing amount of energy in him. An energy which was directed toward different directions, trying to achieve something....but it was way back then. Last month after meeting with Mukesh almost 6 years later, things have changed.

He is now a budding entrepreneur ( ), speaks with lot more focus and I felt a sense of satisfaction in him.
My first question to him was, do you sleep better now and for longer hours? and there came the answer - "Yes"- A 'yes' that was honest and had satisfaction oozing out...

We discussed about the challenges he is facing in spreading out from Pune to Bangalore. The huge exponential learning he has every day of his life and the way venture capitalists  work .

I am not sure what ingredients make an "Entrepreneur " - But one thing that you need in ample amount is  "Consistent Determined & Focused Energy". But there's no gaurantee that even after all these adjective-filled energy you will be successful and I believe good entrepreneurs know that....hence they are "always Hungry".

I am afraid to wish, Mukesh and other entrepreneurs like him, a grand success - because I fear that a grand success might make them complacent and we might loose out on this "Breed". So go on people you have miles to go before you sleep.....

Thanks Mukesh for the Lunch and Sushant for accompanying me