Every day talk, Human emotions, Marketing gimmicks, Techie thoughts,Criticism and praises, Politics and sweet memories...a world of its own!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Sorry for getting to ethinic and biased.....and greeting only "Engineers of India"...well that is what this book talks about -- " Five point Someone - by Chetan Bhagat"....
Or should I have said " Hi all IIT engineers of India, Specially from IIT Delhi !"....
Well that's for you people to decide after reading the book....
Well Chetan if you are reading my blog (others can take it as tips for their future endeavours in writing), then here are certain Feedback (offcourse that's totally personal):
1. Chetan you have used a very lucid language that really helps in bringing out the picture...like you have written it in a splendid manner.
2. You have ridiculed IIT in a great way, though I feel at this point of time, you miss it a lot...
3. You became too Dark about "Venkat", "Prof. Cherian" and certain other characters...but believe me if they were not what the were...then Hari's, Ryan's and Alok's life would have gone for a toss....(Any way do not misinterpret me as Venkat type or Prof. Cherian type, I am more of Hari type!)
4. Parents should have been given more respect (Both Aloks Parents and Haris Father....you might have hurt a lot sentiments!)
5. Last but not the least, you are ending was perfect to come up with "Five point Someone Part II" !
Carry on the good work Chetan...
Hey coming back to my Blog readers...I am presently reaing Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler...shall put my reviews for them as well...wish hitler was alive to read my blog!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Is it wrong to be Ambitous?
Todays Generation is ambitous!
Yah they are, they dream of earning more in less time, and in that hunt they either burn out, Get frustrated or become a Success!!
But Success as we know doesnot come easy and often we loose out in the race….
But should that stop us in dreaming, should we blame it on the size of our dreams?
NO! I believe we must dream, however big the dream may be, we must dream….What matters most is the way we achieve or dream, the path we take on to achieve our dream…..If we loose out, we must know that we did not choose the right path, we must start again…
So I would Suggest that a person who dreams a 7 digit monthly salary the following:
- Choose the right path i.e. means
- Let not your dream become a thorn or an obstacle for any one else, especially your family.
- Have the tenacity to fight back in case of failure – be strong, be determined.
Last but not the Least I want people to Go for what they have in their mind with full heart....because Life Is one time, irreversible journey...Go!
Friday, September 16, 2005
Dil mange more..!!
We seem to fight with marks and percentages when We are in school, We seem to fight with Jobs and better jobs when we grow up...then we fight for our soulmates and once we get them we fight with our soulmates!
As we grow to become more matured we start crying more just like our politicians who are so reluctant to leave their Strongholds; And we cry hoarse on Laloo...afterall he is behaving the natural way.
Suddenly one day the doctor says that you must take care of your heart or else you would loose this race called life...and you dive into depth of frustration and find out ways to survive saying that "why is GOD doing this to me, I just started enjoying life..."
ALAS! my friends GOD doesnot answer back...but i feel if he/she were to answer back then he would surely have said that "Child you just wasted your life, wish I could have told you earlier...."
See...GOD too is complaining...
Friday, August 19, 2005
illusionary World of Software...
Final Year in College, Thinking of joining big names like Infosys, TCS , Wipro and others, wondering how would you look wearing that kool attitude of a software engineer; coding all day long infact goin for night outs....
STOP! stop dreaming friends lifes not so easy back here.....
well you never are kool in this field unless you have done enough documentation, have spent enough of time on bench doing absolutely nothing, have done only copy paste kind off code changes and last but not the least have atleasted switched two or more jobs...
Because by then you have spent 3-4 years of your period and you would be leading group of people, infact dreamers just like you are now...
Believe me its a hard task to manage dreamers, because they get frustrated easily since nothing is according to their dreams in this world.....
So wake up my friend....nothing comes for free......except frustration!!
after all Gold too has to pass the test of fire.....
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
News about me...

Hey! I got a prize...not the first Prize but second....
Any way wasn't expecting that one...it was totally an impromptu Session.
Went on to attend a debate held in Infosys on 5th of august, just as an audience.
But voluntered for a debating on a topic, since participants were missing.
And to my surprise was selected for the final round.
Topic for the first round was " Should Camera Phones be banned?" - I spoke against it.
Topic for the final round was " Endorsements for Indian Cricketers --Good or bad" i spoke Against.
Any way we could not make it in the final round , well you can see me and my partner recieving the second prize.
End of the day -- a good learning experience!!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Rain brings out the true face....
-- yet another myth is shattered...another stark reality stands in front of us...
Till now we thought it as Shanghai of India and now it has changed to venice!
How powerful and punishing is nature and how weak are We...
We the people of India...
We do have a habbit of talking big when we haven't done our homework correctly...
We leave in a democratic country, but are unaware of its rights...
We know Rome was not built in one day, but we orselves try to do the same...
Its high time we learn something or one day we mightnot even get a chance to stand again....
Friday, July 29, 2005
Help Yourself To Fight.....

Yesterday was really a great day…it was my Birthday…
I had a nice time in office as well as home…
But alas! Today I had quarrel at home in morning, a problem in the office with my boss….feeling a bit feverish with a running nose….and all of a sudden it seems like the whole world is running after me…
Hey how many have gone through such emotions before….
Honest enough …I have been through such emotions a lot many times…
I didn’t find anyone for help…I had to go through these feelings alone…
I tried to share them but …failed….after all everything is not accepted to be shared with everyone…
So there’s the catch…we are sent to live on earth on all our own….
Such situations comes in our way as an opportunity from which we gather experience, knowledge…at such times we come to know what’s the strength we have…after all a ship looks nice in harbor but that’s not what it is meant for…isn’t it.
So from the next time when ever you are Angry, frustrated, disgusted …
Whenever you feel like every part of your Body is giving away…
Remember one thing….you are alone in this world…you have to know your strength, you are the only person who can help yourself…..So Rise Awake till you reach your Goal….Come what may…..
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Are We INDIANS Really Hypocrites?
I believe world is a place where My wife, My Parents, My superiors and the Society has every right to say me “ Do it this way….”Why not should they say so….Why not?
After all I am an integral part of it…..Whether to listen to them depends on ME.
So you see the onus is on an individual, to know whether he is a hypocrite or the Society or so to say a country …..After all when we point one finger to a certain fault remaining four fingers points US…

Michael Jackson-- A trendsetter.....Well I might touch that tender chord of Discussion where in I might be rebuked....
Sorry Folks...but I am desparate.....
I had been idolizing Michael Jackson from my Early school days,We did not have a Television at our home then....I had a glimpse of him only through magazines (Though after arrival of TV it made no difference since we only had Doordarshan)...
so I had to wait long to See him performing...it was only when I started my Engineering....I was so inspired by him that I started performing on his numbers, I started copying him-- his moves, his style, his dressings...infact people in college started calling me "Michael Jackson"....it really felt great....
But alas!.....As I completed my engineering both me and the Legend had hit hard times....Me busy with my Early difficult days at my first job and HE fighting out his First Legal Trial .....Today HE has been evicted of all charges but HE is ageing....I wonder will HE be able to perform again So magnificently, So smoothly...Will he be able to Inspire another person just like I was,....
Alas! everygood thing surely comes to an end....